Entries by lstaxservices_i8x1k2

Can the IRS revoke your passport?

Thanks to the FAST act passed by congress in 2015, the IRS now has another tool to use to collect back taxes by revoking the passports of taxpayers with seriously delinquent tax debt. As of now, seriously delinquent tax debt must be at least 52,000 dollars and meet other criteria. If the IRS determines that […]

Trump’s Tax Returns

It seems that the obsession to obtain our president’s tax returns is still alive and well among certain democrats and members of the media. Some democrats say that Trump must turn over his returns based on an “obscure 1924 law” that gives the House Ways and Means committee the right to review anyone’s tax returns. […]

Charitable giving and tax reform

I saw several predictions from various sources that charitable organizations would suffer greatly from the tax reform act. Because of the large increases to standard deductions in the tax reform act, far less taxpayers are itemizing deductions. Therefore the prediction was that since less people would get a tax benefit from charitable deductions that many […]

Who can you trust for tax advice?

The IRS has a website with some useful information for taxpayers but is their information always accurate?  This morning I was looking at a news release from their site containing a table comparing business tax provisions before and after TCJA.  Here’s a snippet from their explanation about the new limitation on deducting business interest. “The […]

Wesley Snipes loses to IRS again.

After serving 3 years in prison for failing to file tax returns and filing fraudulent claims, Wesley Snipes still can’t win with the IRS.  He owed roughly 23.5 million in federal taxes and filed an Offer In Compromise offering to pay roughly 850,000 to settle his debt with the IRS.  The Offer In Compromise program […]