Tax Resources

Internal Revenue Service

Visit the IRS website at to file a simple tax return online, check your refund status, and read about IRS rules and regulations.

California Franchise Tax Board

Visit for California income tax forms, calculators, and updates for California’s tax law.

L & S Tax Blog

Visit the L & S Tax blog for updates and information from the Partners at L & S Tax Services.

Scary IRS Notices

No one likes getting mail from the IRS. In recent balance due notices sent by the IRS they are including a paragraph that says at the top in BOLD letters. Denial or Revocation of United States passport.  In December of 2015 congress passed the FAST act which includes a provision allowing for the revocation of a […]

Former Congresswoman convicted of tax fraud

Corrine Brown, who had represented her district in Florida for nearly 25 years, has been convicted of tax fraud and other charges in connection with a “charity” allegedly set up to provide scholarships to underprivileged youth.  Out of more than 800,000 raised for the “charity”, one scholarship was awarded of $1,200.  Large amounts of the […]